Use it carefully, i didn't tested it very well... At least, installing my CM works
I'm not responsible if you transform your phone into a brick!
I've decided to compile own TWRP.
- Latest cm kernel (
- upstream repository from (
- native 64bit / QCOM_BSP / QCOM HW disk encryption
- f2fs enabled (to use it, you need 20150916 or later CM of mine -- if you're using different CM version, contact to your maintainer)
twrp- - 30.15 MB
- Install fastboot drivers
- Download it to your computer
- Reboot your device into bootoader mode
- fastboot flash recovery twrp-
You tell me...
1. you need to use my minimal repo to create the build environment:
repo init -u git:// -b cm-12.1
2. add a xml file to local_manifests:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" />
<project path="device/xiaomi/ferrari" name="dh-harald/android_device_xiaomi_ferrari" />
<project path="kernel/xiaomi/ferrari" name="dh-harald/android_kernel_xiaomi_ferrari" />
3. sync the repository
repo sync
3. (optional - I don't know is it still need or not) You need to patch external/sepolicy
use this link, what do you need to change:
4. compile it
$ . build/
$ lunch cm_ferrari-userdebug
$ make -jX recoveryimage
X is based on your nr of CPUs
Source: XDA Forum